This wasn’t our intention so we are reverting this change and buffing its attack speed instead. The previous damage increase meant the Crossbow Master now performs poorly against ceramic bloons. xx5 Crossbow Master attack cooldown 0.16s -> 0.13s These changes are to balance out stalling and anti-stalling strategies so that neither vastly outperforms the other. Maximum round length changed from 10+2*round number seconds -> 8.5 + round number seconds. Rounds now last a minimum of 5.5 seconds. We are undoing an earlier nerf to early game income to give all strategies a little bit more money to work with. We think the current aggressive meta is healthy for the game, but most aggressive strategies require Agent or Highwayman Jericho to work since other strategies are often short of cash. Make off with the Stealing Hearts hero showcase for Highwayman Jericho.

Summon the Dark Coven hero showcase for Ezili. 12 new season cosmetics including Plushie BADs and the Ghost Ship placement animation for the Monkey Buccaneer. Battles 1 veterans might get a sense of déjà vu when playing on this map… A beach soccer-themed map available in all ranked arenas, casual, private and event matches. Buying the Banana Boost unlocks these benefits for the entire season. If you don’t have the boost, the additional Golden Bananas you would earn are stored so you won’t miss out if you buy the boost later in the season.

No limit on the number of Bling Quests you can complete each day. Earn double Golden Bananas for completing Bling Quests.

Club members can play as much as they like, no tickets needed! Each game costs 1 ticket which replenishes every 6 hours. New limited-time events featuring multiple custom rules at once. A one-time purchase for lifetime membership, including a welcome pack of exclusive cosmetics and 2000 Monkey Money. Unlimited access to special club events featuring mixed rules. Ban specific towers and heroes for more control of your private games. Mix and match custom rules in your private games. Fixed visual issue where one of the bloon send buttons looked pressed when it wasn’t.Fixed emotes displaying incorrectly in their shop previews.Fixed range outlines sometimes not appearing when using hotkeys (desktop only).Fixed issue where damage over time effects were not applied if the bloon was popped in the same frame as it was given the effect (this affected Sentai Churchill’s laser shock effect).Fixed costs of bloon sends overlapping the coin icon when they become more expensive.Fixed x5x Mortar Monkey’s Pop and Awe ability visuals lasting longer than the ability.Fixed 020 Alchemist’s pools not dealing the reduced damage from 2.0’s balance change to fortified moab class bloons.Fixed display issue where multiple stacks of an effect (such as the xx2 Village) were not reflected in the buff icon.♂️ Fixed Bling Season screen trying to display the rewards for a season that won’t exist until the game is updated.Fixed future Club Events not showing names in the future events banners.Fixed Thin Ice appearing in Hall of Masters ranked games.Fixed display issue where bloon sprites appeared cropped.Fixed Ceramic Crucible, MOAB Pit, and BFB Colosseum having no map restrictions in ranked mode.Fixed incorrect duration in the x5x Glue Gunner description (text only).